Our Garden
Our Garden
Our garden consists of several small gardens around the house and a large (o.75 acre) woodland garden separated from the house by a dry creek bed. The woodland garden is a long, narrow plot (300' x 100') traversed by two paths through the length of the garden. The garden slopes across these paths creating a loop trail with upper and lower paths that begin just beyond the dry creek bed and extend to the back of the property.
In some years, rainy weather or a week of hot days have conspired to deny us the pleasures shown in these two gardens. But there have been four years when spring was delayed by a week: by a cool winter in 2010 and two cold winter weeks in 2013 and 2015. The four Web pages that follow show that garden during these springs. We hope you enjoy them.
Don and Helen O'Shea
To see the images to best effect, open our browser window wide. When you hit Play Slideshow, the window will show these images on a black background. The boxes with the question marks can be used to navigate the show. Left box is back; center box starts and stops the slideshow; right box is next.