

In our day, the region between Europe and Asia has been labeled as the “shatterbelt” because the countries in the region have undergone occupation and boundary changes on a regular basis. Sicily, from the evidence we encountered on our trip, was an island in the shatterbelt of the classical age. Occupied by many countries over the centuries, now it seems an isolated outpost to its current nation, Italy.

The following pages are sites and images from this island with turbulent past and a wary future.

This site may be navigated by clicking the page titles at the top of a page or by clicking the arrows at the bottom. The slideshows open on a separate page and cycle automatically. However, there is a navigation bar at the top of the page with thumbnails, so that you can select individual pictures and there are disappearing controls below the the image.

In the Classical Shatterbelt

The country side near Marsala.
